1a) Long Term Consequences
after posting a video on the internet of myself an a friend, acting inappropriately, these scenarios could possibly occur :
- being expelled from school
- when people search you up on the internet, the video could come up
- ruin friendships ( if you say something behind someones back or you scare them off)
- losing the freedom and trust from your parents
- could lead to cyber bullying ( other people bully me)
- depression or self harm from bullying
1b) Short Term Consequences
- suspended from school
- detention (have to stay after school)
- grounded by parents
- getting a privilege or toy taken away
2. Online I want to be private about my personal life, and be able to keep a good reputation. I do not want to post revealing pictures or say anything that could be mean or hurtful to anyone else. i want to remember to always be cautious about what I say and think about how i phrase my opinions, so they don't sound rude. On the internet i want to be a great person who people look up to. When people search me up they realize what a great person i am, and can see all of the wonderful things I have done for my community.Never will i post my phone number address, or anything that could link me to where I could live or where I could be found. Even saying simple things like "vacation in mexico this week" is harmful because if a person sees that, they could possibly break into their home.
3. A digital footprint is the history of anything and everything anybody has ever, searched, watched, commented, posted, liked, tweeted, basically anything anybody has ever done on the internet. No matter how many privacy settings we turn on, the our internet use will always be saved and stored somewhere. Everything we have done on the internet an be traced back to exactly what device or user is/was on it. I can can try to control my digital footprint by watching out for certain things i click on our choose to watch. Making sure i don't post anything persona, or search anything that is inappropriate. Always will I try to be as safe, secure, and appropriate while on the internet as possible.
3. The strategies I use to stay safe online is to always make sure all my privacy settings are on when going on social media. Never do I give out any information that someone could use to possibly contact or find me. i keep all my personal and information offline and I never use my last name. Also i make sure to keep photos of myself to a minimal amount. Everything i say on the internet is something i would say in real life. Never will I act differently online to portray a different personality.
4. Types of people who are vulnerable on the internet:
- insecure people ( get hurt very easily)
- gullible people ( believe hat others say too easily)
- shy people or people who cant stand up for themselves
- children ( take advantage of them)
- lonely and sad people
- people who care about what others think
5. I think online situations are worst than offline situations because online predicaments are very hard to get ride of and stay on the internet forever. They can haunt you in the future and never leave the internet. Offline situations tend to be easier to get rid of if they are more physical. They can be handled easier and without as many problems that never quite stop following us around. However offline problems can also become online situations and vise-verruca, Both online and offline problems are horrible however online situaions can be harder to completely eraser.