Wednesday, 29 October 2014


I chose these pictures because it reminds me of what I think of when I hear the word creativity. They list loads of words that describe what's going on in a child's mind once they get their creative juices flowing. Help, innovation, imagination, new, and different. All completely diverse words, yet they all describe creativity perfectly. To me, I think creativity can be anything we want it be. Creativity means something different to every person who experiences it. Being creative is the ability to be passionate about something, its to be unique and innovative and to share your discoveries with someone. But most of all, creativity is all about following your heart and believing that anything is possible.  

Hum 8 video - Insung Y

HUM 8 Video on creativity by: Insung Youn
What Is Thinking Outside the Box?
This is a short video called "Think Outside the Box" and it is about a variety of ways and reasons to expand your comfort zone in order to be a creative thinker. I believe that this video will help other peers to understand that being creative not only means to brainstorm ideas, but to also to take somewhat benefitial risks to expand your 'comfort- zone', to try new things and become a more talented and creative thinker with extraordinary ideas, and thoughts. Thinking outside the box is mainly expanding on simple ideas and improving them, or adding further detail to them, and making more sense of them.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014



1a) Long Term Consequences 
after posting a video on the internet of myself an a friend, acting inappropriately, these scenarios could possibly occur : 
  • being expelled from school 
  • when people search you up on the internet, the video could come up 
  • ruin friendships ( if you say something behind someones back or you scare them off) 
  • losing the freedom and trust from your parents 
  • could lead to cyber bullying ( other people bully me) 
  • depression or self harm from bullying 
1b) Short Term Consequences 
  • suspended from school 
  • detention (have to stay after school) 
  • grounded by parents 
  • getting a privilege or toy taken away 

2. Online I want to be private about my personal life, and be able to keep a good reputation. I do not want to post revealing pictures or say anything that could be mean or hurtful to anyone else. i want to remember to always be cautious about what I say and think about how i phrase my opinions, so they don't sound rude. On the internet i want to be a great person who people look up to. When people search me up they realize what a great person i am, and can see all of the wonderful things I have done for my community.Never will i post my phone number address, or anything that could link me to where I could live or where I could be found. Even saying simple things like "vacation in mexico this week" is harmful because if a person sees that, they could possibly break into their home. 

3. A digital footprint is the history of anything and everything anybody has ever, searched, watched, commented, posted, liked, tweeted, basically anything anybody has ever done on the internet. No matter how many privacy settings we turn on, the our internet use will always be saved and stored somewhere. Everything we have done on the internet an be traced back to exactly what device or user is/was on it. I can can try to control my digital footprint by watching out for certain things i click on our choose to watch. Making sure i don't post anything persona, or search anything that is inappropriate. Always will I try to be as safe, secure, and appropriate while on the internet as possible. 

3.  The strategies I use to stay safe online is to always make sure all my privacy settings are on when going on social media. Never do I give out any information that someone could use to possibly contact or find me. i keep all my personal and information offline and I never use my last name. Also i make sure to keep photos of myself to a minimal amount. Everything i say on the internet is something i would say in real life. Never will I act differently online to portray a different personality. 

4. Types of people who are vulnerable on the internet: 

  • insecure people ( get hurt very easily) 
  • gullible people ( believe hat others say too easily) 
  • shy people or people who cant stand up for themselves 
  • children ( take advantage of them) 
  • lonely and sad people 
  • people who care about what others think 
5. I think online situations are worst than offline situations because online predicaments are very hard to get ride of and stay on the internet forever. They can haunt you in the future and never leave the internet. Offline situations tend to be easier to get rid of if they are more physical. They can be handled easier and without as many problems that never quite stop following us around. However offline problems can also become online situations and vise-verruca, Both online and offline problems are horrible however online situaions can be harder to completely eraser. 

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Little Lion, Big Club

Little Lion, Big Club

“Please excuse us for this quick interruption,” it was time for the morning announcement, “let this be a quick reminder that all club activities will be starting and students are encouraged to try out clubs of their own interests.
       So many clubs to choose from… Yet I chose LEO.
Like many other schools, students in Fraser Heights are given opportunities to join various clubs, all of which are very interesting, but what I find particularly amazing is the LEO club. LEO, in English meant a small, under grown lion, but here it stood for Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity. What do we do here you ask? Well, members of LEO club participate in many fabulous activities that will give them more experience in life. Such opportunities include, candy sales, feeding the poor, and a lot of positive volunteering to help the community. We also start fundraising campaigns, the money we raise will be donated to charities like children’s hospital, free the children, Etc. Joining us in room 217 will be something life changing, you will love it! The main goals that motivated me to join LEO are to gather up more experience for the future, also earning volunteer hours in the process. Though the club seems popular, the main reason is because of our teamwork within, club members can make posters for the club in order to advertise, also can tell their friends about LEO.
I think that LEO club has more purpose compared to the other clubs such as debate, art, and more, because it grants students with the opportunities to gain experiences with leadership, leading them to even more opportunities in the future. 

Mohammad's First blog Post

Mohammad’s First Blog Post


For the club thing I decided to go to the sci-fi club, I went there because I love sci-fi movies and things. So it was nice looking around and understanding what they do there I like it. We get to watch sci-fi movies like star wars (which I love).But I might go to robotics now because I am really into inventing things and going to robotics might be nice. But going back to the topic this club is nice for people who love things involving sci-fi adventures.

 Here are some sci-fi pictures
or like a star wars picture

My Club Visit

My Club Visit

A few weeks ago, I decided to try out for the grade 8 girls’ volleyball club. About 30 girls tried out for the team, and only 14 of us made it. We first started out practicing our sets and bumps to ourselves, and then we split off in to multiple teams of two. All the teams of two went against each other head to head. 1 hr 30 minutes later, 10 girls were cut (they weren't invited to the next practice) and the 20 of us left were pumped for the next tryout.  The next day, we all played our hardest; diving, serving, digging, bumping and setting. Everyone fought for a spot on the team. Even though not everyone was allowed on the team our coach congratulated us on our superb effort and athletic ability. The coach told us who did and didn't make it, in front of everyone.  It was quite nerve racking because my name was one of the last names to get called upon, so I was anxiously waiting for quite some time. All the girls who didn't make it were content and still had a skip in there step. It was really refreshing to play with girls who didn't care so much about if they did or didn't make the team. They were just happy they were able to play volleyball and meet some new girls!  

                To my surprise I actually made the team, and so far I’m really enjoying the experience. We have played four games, against Lord Tweedsmuir, Holy cross, Pacific Academy, and Surrey Christian. Out of all the games we have only won 1, however we were very close to winning quite a few of them. Also ¾ of the schools we played against are private schools, which means they have been at school, practicing nearly a month longer than us. Next long weekend, we have a tournament at Lord Tweedsmuir, going against some very competitive teams, I think my team has a very good chance of beating the other teams and just playing great volleyball overall. Even after only 2 weeks of volleyball, I have already learned so many new techniques and skills that will not only help with volleyball, but will be helpful with other sports too.  Joining volleyball allows all of the girls on my team to get to know everyone better and to hopefully become great friends! 

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Club visiting thing. 

The club that I chose to talk about is Robotics club, because it is the only club that seems interesting to me, and because it is the most funnest to me.

The reason why I like robotics is because it seems fun and you can see what you have done something that some people can't do, like programming a robot or maybe its because I just really like controlling a robot. I think one of the best things that made robotics better is that some of my friends is in robotics, is there, and there is a guy there that teaches me how to program computers and how to code and all that fun junk.

The only bad thing in robotics to me is that it is not an actual class, and that it takes forever to get there from my locker, so what I'm saying is that IT IS TAKING TOO MUCH TIME JUST TO GET TO ROBOTICS! Why do I complain about its too far away? CAUSE ROBOTICS CLUB IS AWSOME SO I LIKE SPENDING MY LUNCH TIME THERE NEXT TO ROBOTS AND BUILD ONE.

Robotics club is really fun to people who likes technological stuff, I think 20 years from now the people that are in robotics club will invent ACTUAL ROBOTS THAT CAN MOVE AND STUFF, and plus you can come to robotics anyway you want but their official robotic meeting day is thursday, you pretty much have the option to either go by the manual or just tinker around with the robots until you see it works.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Club Experiences: M.U.N.

  Recently, I have joined M.U.N. (Model United Nations) and I was assigned the role of speaking for Canada's NATO committee. NATO is one part of what consists of the United Nations. It is the party that enforces Canada's military and war defense. Particularly, there is no "most important" committee and there is no "odd one out" as well. But my interest is specifically; what would Canada do in a great time of war and conflict? How will the government protect the Canadian citizens?

Above: M.U.N.'s worldwide logo

This is the UN headquarters.

This is a UN peacekeeper.