Thursday, 11 December 2014

Learning blog - Dec.11.2014 (Thurs.)

What we did:

Block 1: We continued working on our Paragraphs booklets individually t, this time working on the descriptive paragraph section. On the topic sentence, we highlighted the descriptive and tradition words, and outlined the topic sentence. We also began writing descriptive sentences and paragraphs of our own, selecting given topics.

Block2: As a class, we discussed the 3 words resolution as well as the 1 sentence summarization of your life, soon after, we started on our own sentence/3 words individually.

Why did we do it:

Descriptive paragraph: The purpose of this practice is so that we can gain better understanding of the different types of paragraph structure, it will also help us having an easier time identifying the different types of paragraphs.

3words/ 1 sentence: The purpose of the 3 words resolution was so that we can set a goal for our selves, of which we can actually follow. Also the 1 sentence is for us to realize what we have gained in life and help us improvise.

Reflections and connections: 

Many things we did in class today can be used in our life beyond, the paragraph writing can help us with our future reading and writing skills; the 3 words and 1 sentence challenge can help us later on by helping us realizing our weak areas and know what we need to improve.

Homework reminder:

The descriptive paragraphs are due one Friday, and the due date for the 3 words 1 sentence challenge is currently unknown.

Homework tips/hints:

Resources that can be used for today's homework could be this video linked below explain how we can keep new year resolutions/goals.

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