Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Greetings, my name is William.

My three words are: Reckless, technicle, and geeky.

How am I reckless?
I don't always think before I do, sometimes yeah, but not all the time. I am kinda easily bored but sometimes not, whenever I'm bored I'm very reckless of my decisions.

How am I technicle?
I like technologies, I know quite a few things about it, I learn from a programer. I use my knowledge for good things or showing off.

How am I geeky?
I play a lot of games, I play many games but I always play the same thing or and over again. I kinda play it so much that I am kinda addicted.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

What We Did Today In Humanities
On December 16th, 2014, in the Humanities room...
  We had a substitute teacher because Ms. Lees was away. We were working on our 'Paragraph Booklets.' The booklets had exercises that we had to write, after reading the examples of paragraphs. We were learning about types of paragraphs because it is essential to learn in the language arts.
  Last, I have some homework reminders. The paragraph booklet is due on Fri. (THE WHOLE THING) 

Hello my name is Mohammad And here are my three words.
Creativity: I want to improve on creativity because that is something I lack
Effort:I want to keep working hard on all my subjects
And Courage: I don't really like to talk in front of people so I hope next year I will conquer that fear.
Thank you for reading my 3words for next year.

Monday, 15 December 2014

3 words

Listening, open, try 

Listening: always being there for a friend when they need help. Always listening to other thoughts, opinions, and feelings. 

Open: being myself around other poole and being open with who I am to everyone. 

Try: always trying my hardest no matter how frustrated I get with school, friends, or sports. I will always stay determined, stuck to my goal, and try my hardest to succeed. 

3 words 1 sentence

3 words: Sportive, Effort, Opportunity.


Sportive- I really like to play sports such as badminton, but I haven't really tried my best at it, which is why I will start working towards getting better.

Effort- I think i really need to put in for effort in my school work as I have been slipping off quite often, in the following year I will try my best to put more effort into things.

Opportunity- Recently, I have been missing countless opportunities to improve, which is why i will no longer let go of more opportunity.

1 sentence: He was a sharpe student, and a loyal friend.

Learning blog

Learning blog-12/Dec/2014

What we did

Today in humanity we completed the lit circle project, and also discussed future activities.

Why we did it

The purpose of todays work is to improve our reading and comprehension skills, like all the previous lit circle discussion we have done.

Reflections and connections

The work today can be used in our future as the reading skill we develop will improve our ability to understand our tasks in the future.

Homework reminder

A reminder that our lit circle dialectical journal is due tomorrow, also to post the 3 words 1 sentence on our group blogs.

Friday, 12 December 2014

Learning Logs
What did we do
we reviewed the descriptive paragraphs. Then we spent a few minutes talking about narrative paragraphs, After that we did a few examples.   
Why did we do it
So we can understand about the types of paragraphs and get good at it so we can do harder things in the coming years.
Homework reminders
-Dialectical journals
-3 words and your sentence
Homework Hints
-review everything we do in class
-do practice at home

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Learning blog - Dec.11.2014 (Thurs.)

What we did:

Block 1: We continued working on our Paragraphs booklets individually t, this time working on the descriptive paragraph section. On the topic sentence, we highlighted the descriptive and tradition words, and outlined the topic sentence. We also began writing descriptive sentences and paragraphs of our own, selecting given topics.

Block2: As a class, we discussed the 3 words resolution as well as the 1 sentence summarization of your life, soon after, we started on our own sentence/3 words individually.

Why did we do it:

Descriptive paragraph: The purpose of this practice is so that we can gain better understanding of the different types of paragraph structure, it will also help us having an easier time identifying the different types of paragraphs.

3words/ 1 sentence: The purpose of the 3 words resolution was so that we can set a goal for our selves, of which we can actually follow. Also the 1 sentence is for us to realize what we have gained in life and help us improvise.

Reflections and connections: 

Many things we did in class today can be used in our life beyond, the paragraph writing can help us with our future reading and writing skills; the 3 words and 1 sentence challenge can help us later on by helping us realizing our weak areas and know what we need to improve.

Homework reminder:

The descriptive paragraphs are due one Friday, and the due date for the 3 words 1 sentence challenge is currently unknown.

Homework tips/hints:

Resources that can be used for today's homework could be this video linked below explain how we can keep new year resolutions/goals.

Hey folks. My name is Insung.

  For the New Year, I am making resolutions.

- Artwork
= To draw pictures with more detail

- Keep Cool
= To keep cool in difficult situations.

- Study Harder
= I have studied well this year but I will try harder next year.

Monday, 8 December 2014

On Monday, December 8th...

-What is the main purpose of what we did today?
Our Lit. circles shared dialectical journals and asked questions about the book. My group's book is called 'Half Brother'.
-Why did we do this?
Our class shared dialectical journals because it lets us practise our feedback skills, and asking questions.
This Lit. project is important beyond Hum.8 because in the future projects, we will also have to give supportive feedback and ask relevant questions to various topics.

-Just a reminder, Innovation Fair Proposals are DUE tomorrow.
-ALSO, Lit. circle group/personal goals and

P.S., If you guys are struggling with Innovation week topics, remember:
-Is there anything that you use almost everyday and wished it would be improved in a certain way? If so, consider "adding on" to the object etc.

-What would make life much more... comfortable?

-Remember, Innovation projects don't HAVE to be inventions. They could just be... new ideas...

Friday, 5 December 2014

Learning Logs

What Did we do today?
Today we discussed the paragraph outlines we did for homework. Ms. Lees explained anything we did not understand or struggled in,Then after a few minutes of doing that we got the rest of the block to work on anything for example if we were behind we would work on what we were behind on or we could've worked on the innovation fair proposals.
Why did we do it?(learning intentions):
we did this so we can understand what we were doing wrong and do it right next time but better. Also when we got the rest of the block to work on anything was because so we can catch up on something or just have time to work on our proposals. 
Homework Reminders:
-Innovation fair proposals
-Lit circles: journals
Homework Tips/Hints:
-Understand what Ms. Lees is teaching us
- Always ask questions

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Learning logs, Dec 4.

Today we took noted and talked about how to be a god writer and what exactly is a
Narrater and how to make a good paragraph even better. After that we spent the last 20 minute working on out assignment and taking more notes, sadly I forgot what to do, but when
I tried contacting my homework buddy he did not pick up, sad face indeed, but I can
Always come in for flex time during lunch to get help.

Yes, I did forgot what to do for homework and I lefty agenda/planner at my house,
And I tried to call my homework buddy but did not work.

you scroll all the way to the bottom and find me, but yes I am dissapointed.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Learning logs- December 2nd 2014

On Tuesday, our humanities class focused on how to properly do our dialectical journals and asked some clarifying questions. We also went over how to post our first blog learning log. Each blog group individually discussed who would be posting each day for our blog learning logs. We also worked on a sheet to record how we think we have done this semester and what we should improve on. 

I think it is important for us to know how to ask questions that will further our understanding of subjects, rather than asking pointless questions. I found it very helpful getting some information about our learning log, also with Ms.lees allowing us to figure out when we should all post gave us experience with compromising. I also think having to reflect on ourselves allows us to comprehend how we have done over the course of a few weeks or so. 

I think being able to compromise with people in a group setting will be very helpful with jobs, same as reflecting on work habits and working abilities or strengths. 

Homework was to complete the reflection sheet?